In learning how to write a business letter, you need to know and understand the eight parts that should be included in any business letter. Here they are:
The return address: This is the writer's address. If you are writing on behalf of a company or organization, this information will be part of its printed letterhead. If you are writing a business letter on your own behalf, you must type in this information, usually centered at the top of the page.
The date: It usually goes at the left margin, several lines below the last line of the return address. Always put in the date, as it is important to the history of correspondence on this topic.
The return address: This is the writer's address. If you are writing on behalf of a company or organization, this information will be part of its printed letterhead. If you are writing a business letter on your own behalf, you must type in this information, usually centered at the top of the page.
The date: It usually goes at the left margin, several lines below the last line of the return address. Always put in the date, as it is important to the history of correspondence on this topic.